Quite Satisfied with service. Unfortunately I forgot to give you some of my "Frank's Buck" when I paid the $200 plus for service yesterday. I expect it is too late to make use of these "Frank's Bucks".


so..if you don't know what's wrong with your car (such as the leak or noise) i can trust them to figure it out accurately and then fix it honestly...THAT'S essential to diagnose correctly AND repair only what needs to be repaired and THEY DO***the extra bonus is the way they do what they do....each and every one in the shop treats me pleasantly, kindly, and professionally...truly caring for me and my vehicle*****there is no one i could recommend more highly for their competence and gracious service****THANKS****


Quite Satisfied with service. Unfortunately I forgot to give you some of my "Frank's Buck" when I paid the $200 plus for service yesterday. I expect it is too late to make use of these "Frank's Bucks".


Efficient, honest and professional. I've been doing business here for over 20 years.


They always take good care of me at Franks. They communicate clearly and make sure my car is safe and road worthy. And they pick me up and take me home.




Always friendly, helpful, will providea ride home while repairs being done, anda ride back to the shop when repairs arecomplete. Keeps my 16 year old car happy!


Guess the thief tried to get the CD player too. It indicates "LOC" so my guess is that the anti-theft feature was activated. I think I remember the four-diget code that I installed 14 years ago. Is there an easy way to fix? I looked at the manual and there seems to be a way but was reluctant to try it on my own.


Guess the thief tried to get the CD player too. It indicates "LOC" so my guess is that the anti-theft feature was activated. I think I remember the four-diget code that I installed 14 years ago. Is there an easy way to fix? I looked at the manual and there seems to be a way but was reluctant to try it on my own.


I liked the fact that when I came in for an oil change, an 'all-around' courtesy check was done on my car to let me know what will need to be taken care in the future.